Kitten on a person's hand

Protect Your Cats
Against UTIs

You may not always notice the signs of a feline urinary tract infection right away—that’s what PrettyLitter is for. We make it easier than ever to look after your fur baby.

The Good Cat Parents’
Guide to Cat UTIs

A man with a beard gently hugging a relaxed cat.

What is a UTI in a Cat?

Cat UTIs are painful infections in the urethra and bladder. Bacteria from the outside world travels up the urethra and finds a home in your kitty’s bladder, where it grows and multiplies causing painful urination.

Urinary Tract Infections are no problem to treat, as long as you notice the signs and symptoms before it develops into something more serious.

How to Identify a
UTI in Your Cat

Litter box with colored spots indicating various pH levels.

Sometimes, you could swear your cat makes himself so clear it's like he's talking to you. But your cat may struggle to find the “words” to tell you he's suffering from a UTI, which is why it's your job to notice the signs:

  • Frequent trips to the litter box
  • Small amounts of urine each time
  • Painful urination—you might hear mews and cries of pain
  • Bloody urine
  • Turning the house into their litter box
  • Excessive genital grooming
  • Alkaline urine (high pH levels)—you'll notice blue patches in their litter box when using PrettyLitter

What Causes a
UTI in a Cat?

A cat cleaning its paw while sitting on grass.

It's safe to say that cats know how to find trouble—chasing birds, romping through your garden, even picking fights with the neighborhood raccoons. But with UTIs, it seems trouble finds them:

Bacterial Infection

The most common infectious organism is Escherichia coli, the bacteria found in feces.

Stones or Crystals

These harsh, irritating mineralized crystals in the bladder can leave cats increasingly vulnerable to infection.

Fungal or Parasitic Infection

Although uncommon, Candidiasis (fungal yeast infection) and Capillariasis (parasitic worms) may be the culprit to your cat's UTI.

How to Prevent
UTIs in Cats?

Kitten eating from a bowl next to a bag of PrettyPlease cat food.

Cats may be independent creatures, but they still need your love and care, especially when it comes to cat UTI prevention. Here's what you can do to help keep your kitty safe from feline UTIs:

Increase Water Intake

Adding canned food to their diet or purchasing a pet fountain are easy ways to keep your cats hydrated after a full day of play.

Avoid Change

Cats are creatures of habit—they respond poorly to interruptions in their routine, and the added stress can spur on infection.

A Proper Litter Box Environment

A quiet, clean place for your cat to do their business can stimulate healthy litter box habits.

Special Diets

Prescription cat foods might help balance your fur baby's pH levels and prevent UTIs.

Frequently Asked

PrettyLitter package and bowl of litter with paw prints and scooper

Use PrettyLitter to Detect UTIs Sooner

Maintaining your fur baby’s health doesn’t have to be a guessing game. PrettyLitter’s smart technology helps to detect health issues before you can, including an alkaline pH balance for those pesky feline UTIs.

Don’t risk it — start using PrettyLitter today.